The Stories of America’s Army The U.S. Army Women’s Museum reopened in 2018 after a huge expansion. It is the only one in the world dedicated to preserving and sharing the history and contributions of women to the Army. It shares amazing stories of female patriots through artifacts, interactive exhibits, educational programs and videos. Each of 5 galleries represents a different time period depicting how the role of women has progressed over time. You will go from exhibits about the “Camp Followers” in the American Revolution and Civil War who cooked and did laundry, or even disguised themselves as men, to WW II when the Women’s Army Corps was established to do the jobs that would “free the men to fight”, to Permanent Presence in 1948, to “Be All that You Can Be” in the 1980s & ‘90s, to the 21st century Army. Building 5219, A Avenue Fort Lee, VA 23801 (804) 734-4327 Fort Lee Museums Fort Lee Commemorated its Centennial in 2017 The U.S. Army Quartermaster Museum tells the stories of the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps from Valley Forge and Little Big Horn to Vietnam to present day. The Quartermaster Corps is headquartered at Fort Lee. These are the soldiers that supply the Army on the battlefields and take care of the fallen. Significant artifacts here include our nation’s first 50-star flag, Gen. George Patton’s World War II jeep, and Gen. Eisenhower’s field quarters. 2220 Adams Avenue, Building 5218 Fort Lee, VA 23801 (804) 734-4203 PETERSBURGAREA.ORG 804.861.1666 33